“Let it goooo, can’t hold it back anymore!” Did Elsa pop in your head as you read that or did you start singing? In the Disney movie Frozen Elsa teaches us to let go of things that hold us back. Holding on to things for too long can cause your happiness to dwindle down. Here are some things that are important to let go in order to live a happy life:
1. Negativity
Though it may seem easier to be negative it’s very important to stay positive. Due to societal views a lot of people tend to rid of things that they want to do or be. When you think of something negative try to think of two positive things. Whenever it seems that the only outcome is bound to be negative try taking a step back and looking for other possible outcomes. Once you get in the habit of trying to see the brighter side of things it’ll effect your over all happiness. So let’s kick negativity out for and overdue stay in your life.
2. Self-Doubt
Don’t listen to the societal guidelines. Just be true to yourself. It may be hard at sometimes but it’s only because of the oppressive views of the society we live in today. You should do, wear, and be who YOU want to be. You shouldn’t be put down for using your freedom of expression. You may not realize it yet but you were meant for greatness. Whenever you start to feel down about yourself remember that you are Someone – You can be and do anything if you put your mind to it. The first step is believing in yourself.
3. Fear
You’re probably thinking something along the lines of; if I’m scared of spiders how do I get rid of that fear? Nevertheless, that’s not the type of fear I’m referring to. I’m talking about the fear of the unknown – or trying new things. Everyone has some type of routine that they follow. Sometimes it’s good to step out of your routine and try new things. You may find that enjoy things that you never imagined that you’d like at all. You may also meet new people who may play important factors in your life. Or even score an amazing opportunity all by setting aside your fear of the unknown. Confidence may not be the easiest thing to find but it is possible. You just have to take it one step at a time.
4. People who don't support you
It is very important to have multiple people in your life. However, it’s more important to have the “right” people in your life. By right people I mean people who actually support you whether it’s emotional, physical, or mental. Enablers are important to have in your life – people who believe and support you and also push you towards success. Now I’m not saying get rid of someone who doesn’t necessarily agree with your dreams. Here’s why: Not everyone is going to agree with everything that you do. That’s just a fact of life. If someone doesn’t agree with what you want to do but still offers support they're worth keeping around. Nevertheless, it’s really important that you’re surrounded by the right people to help ensure your happiness.
5. Past mistakes
In my experience this seems to be one of the biggest things that people tend to hold on too. Some tend to feel guilty over mistakes they made or even angry of themselves. The longer you hold on to a mistake from the past the more it’s going to hurt you. Letting go of a past mistake is no easy task. However, it’s important to give it a try. You can’t find closure if you don’t initiate the search. The past is the past. No much how much you will it to it will not change and there is nothing you can do about it. You can’t move on and do better things if you’re forever stuck in the past If you live in the past when will your life actually start?
So what do you say? Will you try and let these five things go? Do you choose to live like really live – without anything holding you back?