1. Work is hard.
OK, I know this is a given, but when your first job is at a coffee shop in college-- real work gets put into perspective.
2. Time management is key.
Between class and work, I had to figure out when I needed to focus on homework and when I could have social time. Also, when there is a line of customers and you have orders lined up along the counter, knowing how to make orders effectively is necessary.
3. Positive relationships with coworkers makes the job more fun.
This goes for any aspect in life. When you're friends or at least have positive relationships with people, time goes by quicker and there is less of a chance of conflict. Also, it makes it easier to get shifts covered when you really want to go home for a weekend or go to that campus event.
4. Don't spend all of your money at once.
Remember when your mom told you not to let your birthday money burn a hole in your pocket? That goes for every paycheck as well. Save some of the money for that dress you want, a trip you want to take or even to just pay off some student loans.
5. Have fun.
I learned that if I went to work with a bad attitude, my whole shift would be bad. I decided that when I went in I was going to have fun and it made working so much more enjoyable. Also, when you have a good attitude customers are more likely to respond positively and possibly leave generous tips.