My days currently consist of waking up at the crack of dawn, also known as 9 am, to let my dog out, watching TV, attempting to cook meals, watching more TV and dancing around the kitchen. Not exactly how I imagined spending my first spring break of college, but I have to say, it’s not all bad. After being surrounded by people constantly for a month and a half, taking a week to myself is pretty nice. Although it’s not 80 degrees out, and I occasionally get snowed in, I still get a much-needed break and get to refresh before going back to school for another month.
1. Netflix Can Only Entertain You for So Long
Don’t get me wrong, I love a good binge sesh of Grey’s myself, but I can only binge for so long. No matter what show I’m watching, 12 hours every day can get a bit exhausting. All I wanted to do as a kid was watch TV all day and not that it’s all I have to do, I’m regretting that wish.
2. When the Doorbell Rings You Can’t Yell “Can You Get That?”
When the doorbell rings and my family is home, it’s so simple to just instruct someone else to get the door because what is family for? Now each time the doorbell rings I get the sudden urge to ask someone else to do it until I realize my dog can’t open the door and she’s my only option.
3. Cooking for Yourself Every Meal Is Not Easy
4. Music Can Never Be Too Loud
Nothing feels better than dancing around in your pjs with music blaring while pouring milk into your cereal at breakfast or putting three minutes onto the microwave timer for your Easy Mac. No matter the hour of the day, you have complete freedom to put on whatever music you want, however loud you want, and honestly, there is nothing more beautiful.
5. Taking Care of Pets is Hard
Remember that presentation you made when you were trying to convince your parents to get a dog and you told them that you’d feed it and take it out every day? Remember when you stopped doing that two days after actually getting the dog? Yeah, me too and I now understand why my parents always complain about having to take care of a dog.