I have always loved children and have chosen jobs that revolved around them rather that be babysitter, tutor, camp counselor, or most recently; daycare worker. It is so much fun to play with kids and witness all of the funny and adorable things they do and say, but i’ve realized that I can learn a lot of valuable life lessons from them as well.
Most things are forgivable
Children are learning and growing, and therefore tend to make a lot of mistakes. Though you might be angry in the moment, you realize that they had good intentions deep down, and just sometimes are careless or have a lack of knowledge. If nothing else, they are too cute not to forgive!
Things don’t always go as planned.
If you work in any setting with children, you know this to be true. Meltdowns happen, minds change, something that seemed like it would take 20 minutes took 2 hours. Spending time with children can teach you to let go and learn to relax and go with the flow.
No matter what, bad days will get better.
Children tend to be very resilient, and even if something seems like the end of the world to them they can find something positive in the day to turn it around. It is difficult not to catch this optimism or not to smile at some point being near a laughing child.
You can find a positive alternative for anything.
As we grow we unfortunately lose so much of the imagination, curiosity, and creativity we possessed as children. These traits allowed us to figure out new ways of having fun or completing work. We were amused and comforted by the smallest of things and that can be so fascinating to witness.
There is more than one perspective to view the world.
Children are never afraid to give their own input, but having it can give you a whole new viewpoint on something. Looking at a situation from a young person’s eyes can be refreshing and even helpful. They look up to you but you can also look up to them and their perspective.