As a kid you always are told that the Easter Bunny is real; it leaves you sweet treats on Easter morning, and hides eggs for you to find. You always hear stories about the Easter Bunny and how it comes to only the best children, with the most amazing treats. However, as I grew older I learned that the Easter Bunny was actually my parents, but I also realized that I learned a lot of life lessons from the Easter Bunny.
1. The inside is more important than the outside.
As cliché as it sounds, I remember when I was hunting for Easter eggs with the little candies inside, and I would put all of them into my basket and run back to my mom. I would take them out and pull out each of the candies and put them back in the basket and throw away the egg. This applies so much to real life, everyone is searching for the right egg, but they grab by just what they see on the outside. I do it myself sometimes. I would go for the pink glitterly egg rather than the snot green egg; however, the pink one could be filled with licorice but the snot green egg could have a Hersey bar in it. But sometimes you have to realize that the inside is the most important.
2. The grass is always greener on the other side.
As a child you always go to school and talk about, or, well, brag about what you got on Easter Morning. It is then when you realize that some people got better things than you did. So you automatically get upset that you didn't get the best of the best. However, someone could be hearing what you got and thinking the same thing you were thinking. Sometimes you have to look at both sides of the picture and realize that your grass is always green to someone else.
3. Always be all ears to a friend.
The Easter Bunny has big ears, just like all other rabbits. I sometimes forget that my friends need someone to listen to them — that they also have issues going on, too. The Easter Bunny taught me that I should always be willing to lend a listening ear to my friends when they need it.
4. Come out of your shell.
I have always been one to stay in my comfort zone until I think know every detail about the situation. However, sometimes you just have to go out and not worry about what is ahead; you just have to break out of the shell and go for it.
5. The best things in life are sweet.
In life you go through the good and bad, but the sweeter things are always easier to swallow.