I've grown up with dogs all my life. It feels like every memory has a dog in the background and I honestly couldn't be more grateful. When I first brought home my pup, (the first dog that was truly all mine) I didn't realize the challenges, the laughs, and the learning that would come with him. Every quirk he revealed (like hiding his bones in corners and under blankets) made me love him more and the affection he showers on everyone he meets endears him to me more than anything. I've learned a lot from him and I think they're lessons worth sharing:
1. Shake things off
My dog is clumsy. I mean, he's clumsier than me which is saying a lot. There have been more head butts with doors, falls off the couch, and face plants on the floor than I can count, but my favorite incident was at the vet. He'd just survived his appointment and was ready to take off. In his flurried excitement, he walked straight into the glass panel right next to the door, thinking it was an exit. Of course I started dying, but my little boy simply shook his head and walked through the door I already had opened for him. It was hilarious, but I also carried that with me afterward. Things happen, and sometimes they can be mortifying, but it's best to simply shake it off and keep moving.
2. Own who you are
Duke is full of personality. The head tilts and sass I receive when I tell him to sit is indescribable. When he gets a bone, he hides it instead of chewing on it. I could go on and on about his quirks, but I can say that he's taught me to just own who I am. My dog doesn't care who seems him run into doors or if he's being too sassy, he simply is himself and I love him for it.
3. Don't take crap
As sweet as my little guy is, he won't take other dog's crap. If another dog is being mean to him or stealing his bone before he can hide it, Duke won't back down from the challenge. I tend to avoid conflict and take people's crap because I think it's the bigger thing to do. There are definitely times when you have to pick your battles, but Duke's taught me it's ok to say you won't put up with being mistreated.
4. Enjoy every moment life offers
If you've ever met my dog, you know he's constantly running around and playing. Duke really knows how to appreciate every moment for what it is and makes the most of it. Though his energy can wear me out at times, I've always felt that life would be more fun if I learned from him and lived the crap out of each moment.
5. Love unconditionally without conditions
This is by far my favorite. Not just Duke, but most pets simply love. Even when I'm grumpy, Duke will still cuddle up next to me and act like he hasn't seen me in weeks. The love he shows me and the happiness on his face when he sees me gives my heart so much joy and I know there's so much I can learn from him. Imagine a world where we loved without conditions and things weren't complicated.
Being Duke's mom has made me a better person and I hope I continue to learn from him as we grow together. Through the house training, the torn up shoes, and the constant craziness, I hope I can show him as much love as he gives. Appreciate your pets for all that they are and for all of the simple, beautiful lessons waiting to be learned from them.