Being the oldest of seven children has taught me many lessons that will follow me for a good majority of the rest of my life.
1. They're always watching. Everything you do is under near-constant surveillance. You are the one they are watching for guidance, anywhere from deciding whether or not to talk back to Dad about his rules or whether or not to do their homework, they're watching your actions first. No pressure.
2. Not only are you sissy, but you're also savior. Anytime they fight with Mom or Dad, they expect you right by their side fighting off the evil dragons. Without realizing, you have to live in the same castle as they do. Trash talk sessions in your room are a weekly thing whether you agree with their side or not.
3. Your relationships are their lessons. When you bring a significant other home to meet them, they're observing how they should be treated/treat their own significant other one day. They don't like seeing their big sister hurt and they will call it before you can even see it.
4. You are their backbone. You are the one that has to be there for them when they're down on their luck. When they're struggling in school, with bullying, friend-making, emotions, you are the one that has to be there to help them up. It's a job that has become my very favorite despite the lack of pay.
5. They help you learn to love yourself. By far the most important lesson my siblings have taught me is to love myself unconditionally. They praise you for your good and look at you like you put the sun in the sky at times. They always remind you of your worth and when you're down on your luck they become your backbone. Despite the many disagreements and flat out arguments, they will always love you and that is an amazing feeling.
Being the oldest of seven children can be a struggle at times, but it is by far the best gift I could ever ask for. Those brats are a huge part of my life and I don't know how I could've made it without them and for that I am eternally grateful.