The last two weeks of the Fall 2016 semester are undoubtedly the hardest; final exams, final projects, last minute cramming in order to raise your semester grade in your hardest class are all things that take over your life! I decided that the last two weeks of the semester would be the perfect time to start a ten season long marathon of Friends. Isn’t that such a great idea? Avoiding any and all responsibilities, I embarked on the journey of a lifetime to a place where Central Perk is considered the center of the universe. I have only gotten through four seasons so far, but here are five things that Friends has taught me about friendship so far!
1. True friends will always be there for you when you need them most, regardless of how much you fight.
2. No matter how close you are with your friends, they will always have the ability to drive you crazy!
3. Friends will do whatever it takes to make you feel better when you're down.
4. Sometimes the people you never expect end up becoming the most important parts of your life...
5. ...while the people you expect to be a part of your life forever, aren't.