1. Whether you are going back to school or work, remember to be humble. Not everyone got the amazing gift you did or went on that awesome vacation. While you are very lucky and privileged remember that others may not be. In the end, it is not the material items that are important during the holiday season, it is kindness and generosity.
2. The new year is the best time to set goals, but is also the easiest time to forget about the goals you set. It seems that only a few people set New Year's resolutions for themselves nowadays, but it seems even more rare that people stick to the resolutions anymore. Being mindful and aware of any goals you set for 2016 will help 2017 be successful.
3. Take time to travel. I don't think there's been a more crucial time than now to travel and learn about other cultures. Travel to see the world, learn about yourself, and other cultures. The world is changing and if as its citizens we do not change and progress with it--in a positive way--the world will no longer be our world.
4. Challenge yourself to learn more about the world. Whether that means watching the news (or multiple news outlets to stay away from bias…), reading a book or asking hard questions, people have answers and this is the time to learn. Whether you like politics or not, it might be a good time to pay attention to more than just the soundbite clips; learn what's going on in other countries that you don't hear about, and educate others in return. This does not mean every opinion you form will be what others believe, so while you're taking the time to learn more, take time to learn the importance of respect.
5. While the holiday season is now coming to an end, that does not mean the kindness and generosity that is associated with the holidays needs to leave as well. With everything going on in the world, extra kindness seems to be just what the world needs.
So spread kindness and keep all of this in mind.