Going from bring fifteen minutes apart to being nine hours apart is a major adjustment for a relationship, but after a semester of college you begin to learn how to handle it.
Your relationship will change, but as they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder.
1. Your schedules won't always align
Unfortunately, it's practically impossible to create a schedule where you both have classes at the same time. With that comes other activities such as sports, clubs, and classwork that will take up time in each of your days, most likely at different times as well. However, it's important to put the free time that you do have to good use.
2. Communication is the most important part
Because of the lack of alignment in your schedules, you'll want to use your free time efficiently. Sending each other a text in the morning with what your day is going to look like will make both of your lives a lot easier. Rather than waiting around expecting an answer to your text, you'll know your significant other is in class and unable to answer. While you won't always have the opportunity to call each other, updating one another by text throughout the day keeps both of you involved in each others lives. Whatever you miss over text you can fill each other in on when you're on the phone.
3. Video chat is your best friend
Whether it's FaceTime or Skype, setting aside time to talk at night is another important factor, even if it can't happen every night. After a long busy day, it's nice to see one another's face and to be able to talk about your days. It also allows you to have actual lengthy conversations, rather than short texts. If video chat isn't possible then try to have a quick phone call to allow you to hear each other's voices, which also get lost in text.
4. Avoid the drift zone
As you go off to college (or begin any type of long distance relationship), you begin a new chapter in your life. Each of you will become involved in new classes, clubs, and be meeting new friends. With this comes the potential of falling into the "drift zone." The drift zone is when you start telling a story to your significant other and they have no idea who or what you're talking about because you've lost touch when it comes to talking about the simple things, such as who you're with or where you are. Avoiding this area is important because if you remain there too long, you'll begin to feel as though you're no longer a part of each other's lives. Keeping one another updated on your new friends and activities is an easy way to avoid this situation.
5. It's a test
Being so far a part really is a test on the strength of your relationship. For many, the distance can become too much and they will end up going their separate ways; however, many couples are able to persist through such a challenge. If your relationship really is meant to be, then the distance will mean so little when that person means so much to you. It's a rollercoaster, there will be rough patches just as there would be without the distance, but being able to make it through the distance will be worth it.
I'm fortunate enough to be in a long distance relationship that is going really well because we've developed together and have adapted to the distance. Hopefully these five tips can help anyone that is (or is considering being) in a long distance relationship. Good luck!