The excitement sets in: four plain walls to yourself (or with a roommate). You design the room in your head and you can't wait to finally get away from lumpy college mattresses and boring brown furniture. But wait... you actually have to buy said furniture and decorations -- pretty much have to buy everything and put it together. Ugh. With all that in mind, here is what I have learned in my first year off campus.
1. $$$ is bae.
Rent? Utilities? Water? Cable? Food? Sometimes, it may seem like the bills are piling up but just remember, while being responsible can be challenging. it teaches you to budget and manage your money. By the end of the first few months, you'll be a pro.
2. Expect the unexpected.
Last semester, my roommates and I got a surprise water park in our downstairs. Said water park actually ended up being an exploding toilet -- and, no, it wasn't exploding rainbows and kittens. What an absolute nightmare. After living with concrete floors and no kitchen for a month, we got brand new laminate floors. Long story short, be prepared to deal with anything. From a leaky dishwasher to a zombie attack.
3. Communication is key.
Especially, if you have roommates. To avoid sassy remarks and arguments, I suggest making a chore chart and a trash schedule. Having a smooth operation going on will improve your quality of life, your house will be clean, and it won't destroy your friendships! It's a win win win.
4. "I don't want to drive all the way to school."
It's true. The effort to actually drive to class can be grueling and your bed can make it a thousand times harder. Sometimes you may even convince yourself that you don't need to go to class but soon the guilt will set in. Set a routine and stick to it! You can do it! I believe in you
5. Maximum effort required for social life.
You come home after a long day or work and school and you had just sat down on your couch when you get a text from a friend asking to hang out. You ask where and they say somewhere on campus and you sigh heavily. You think to yourself, Make the effort and drive back to school, or say you're busy?
It can be hard to maintain certain relationships when you don't live close to your friends anymore. Sometimes you can feel isolated but the friends that matter will reach out to you but you have to at least meet them half way. Both figuratively or even literally.
All in all, I have loved living off campus. All the ups and downs have taught me so many lessons and I wouldn't trade this independence for anything.
See! Even after a year of living with each other, we are still happy and smiling.