6 Things Guaranteed To Make Adrian College Students Smile | The Odyssey Online
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6 Things Guaranteed To Make Adrian College Students Smile

Take a walk on the bulldog mile and you might find something to smile about

6 Things Guaranteed To Make Adrian College Students Smile
Adrian College

With finals coming closer, everybody on campus has become balls of stress. Deadlines, requirements, exams, and so many vocabulary terms that we are spouting negativity 24/7. However, spring has just begun! Why be negative inside, cramped away, when you could be breathing in a breath of positivity? There are some things on Adrian College's campus that will make even the most stressed out senior smile, guaranteed.

1. Hammocks

During the winter, at least here in Michigan, there will occasionally be a strand of above normal temperature weather. It's just that little tease of spring. It's sweating a little more under your heavy coat, but freezing with a lighter jacket. It's honestly miserable until the point where it is warm too early...so the hammocks won't be out. You can imagine the level of excitement AC students feel when we see the hammocks as we come out of Caine. Also, the fire pits are an amazing plus too. It's the solution to the coat epidemic! A nice place to destress and hang out with friends before summer starts.

2. The Word "Free"

Who doesn't love free? At AC, whenever we see or read the word free, we put that event right in our calendars. Free coffee in Caine? I'll be there. Free massages for finals week? Count me in. It's amazing to be on a campus with such a high tuition rate and get out money back in ways such as these free promotions. I think the only other words we love more than free is "optional"/"nonmandatory".

3. Bruiser

The best part about spring is Bruiser coming out for walks. We also love to see him in the fall at football games too! Check out his jersey. Bruiser also celebrates his birthday (September 28th) on campus with us as well. On his birthday, Bruiser enjoys taking pictures with students and staff. He also loves all the love and attention given to him by everybody. Our favorite bulldog loves to get more special treats that day too!

4. When Merillat is Empty

Walking into our fitness center and seeing only a small number of people is a miracle. Not only do you feel less rushed or intimidated if you are new to working out, but all the machines and free weights are open for you to use without a wait. The problem of having lots of people in the weight room is more so an issue around peak sports seasons, and especially around football fever. If you want an empty gym, head to Merillat in the AM, around lunch time (12-1), or before the center closes.

5. Crazy C.A.N. Friday

The Campus Activities Networks does tons for us students on campus to make sure we are having fun and socializing instead of having our noses in books. On this Friday in the fall, students gather together to check out clubs and organizations, enjoy free food plus drinks, along with so many fun activities such as a mechanical bull or bubble soccer! I encourage everybody to step out with your roomie or welcome week group and have some fun at just one of the events put on on campus.

6. A Bulldog Victory

Every Bulldog on campus will be smiling after our teams bring home another victory. Whether we are cheering in the bleachers at the Homecoming game or reclining back in the 1st inning of the first baseball game, every student is sure to find their sport. For the students out on the field, nothing is more rewarding than hearing the cheers from the crowd game after game. If you haven't had a chance to check out any events this year, check out Adrian's athletic websiteto be up to date on all out events.

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