1. You have more than one dad
Let’s be real, this may be the most obvious of them all. Whether you are just trying to go out with your friends or on a date, you have three people now checking to make sure your outfit is “appropriate.” They like to think they can tell you what you can and cannot do even when your actual dad says it’s okay. But most of all, they will care about you and your safety just as much as your dad will, so in the end you are pretty lucky.
2. You are moms only girl and daddy’s little princess… basically the favorite child
And they know it. They joke about how you are the only one that matters or that they give you too much attention. They know that it’s not true but in the end probably wouldn’t have it any other way. They wouldn’t want to go shopping with mom anyway and secretly love the fashion advice you give them (even when they aren’t asking for it). They know they will always have a different bond with dad than you do, but they also know dad is wrapped around your finger (most of the time). They have come to terms with it and know that no matter what they say or do, it’s inevitable.
3. You know how to roll with the punches…literally
This may or may not be an upside to having brothers but it comes with some perks. You are too familiar with fights and sometimes physical pain due to little arguments that go WAY too far. You laugh when friends talk about fighting with their sister (over clothes, boys, personal space) because you know it can’t possibly be the same as when you fight with your brother. You eventually learned to stop tattling, because realistically, it would just make it worse for you. You start to grow a thicker skin when it comes to fights and for that, you are somewhat grateful for all the crying and wounds your brothers so willingly inflicted on you.
4. You are way too familiar with everything ESPN
The worst part is, you actually start to like it. After a while you gave up on trying to win the fight to turn the TV to Disney Channel back in the day and HGTV these days because it actually interests you. Nothing beats going to sporting events with your brothers and feeling like you can actually relate on some level with them. Not to mention that having all their friends around is an added bonus, am I right?!
5. They are the most protective best friends you’ll ever have
And you love them to death. Sometimes, for a split second, you wish you had sisters, but then you realize that having only brothers is a blessing in itself. They are ready to beat up the person who hurts you before they even know the story. All it takes is some tears from you and they are in warrior mode. They may act like they want nothing to do with you, but in reality couldn’t imagine their life without you as their sister.