Alright ladies, these are a couple things we need to work on. I am just as guilty of all of these things as everyone else so I am not trying to call anyone out. Sometimes, we can’t help it, after all we are human, but we need to be more thoughtful when it comes to a few things.
Canceling plans at the last minute.
I am as guilty of this as the next girl but this really needs to stop. It is extremely rude to make plans to do something with someone and then when it gets closer, cancel because you don’t feel like it anymore. I understand things come up (that's a different story), but canceling because you are tired or don’t feel like leaving the house is not okay. Girls have gotten really flakey when it comes to plans, these days. If you can’t keep plans, don’t make them.
Tearing one another down.
Listen up, girls. What do you get out of being mean to other girls? When you are standing before Jesus at the end of your time do you really think He is going to be impressed with how you constantly put others down, made fun of them, spread lies and rumors about them, or were mean to them just to look cool in front of your friends? Plus, everyone knows that jealousy is the main reason girls put each other down. If we spent more time building each other up instead of tearing each other down, everyone would be a lot happier.
Lying about being “fine."
Whether you are in a fight with a boyfriend or a friend, saying, “it's fine,” when it clearly is not fine is not going to help anyone. It is not going to end the fight or solve anything; it is just going to make things worse. Although it’s embarrassing and awkward to respond to the question “are you okay?” with “No you really pissed me off when you said I have terrible taste in Starbucks drinks,” being honest about what is bothering you will solve more problems than lying about it.
Being passive aggressive, in general.
Don’t subtweet, don’t leave your roommates sticky notes, just stop. I am very non-confrontational, but being passive aggressive doesn't solve anything. Although it does make for an entertaining Twitter timeline or roommate group message, if someone is annoying you, tell them directly.
Trying to one up each other.
This one is self-explanatory. It’s just rude. Let your friend have her moment to celebrate getting an 85 on her test and keep it to yourself that you got a 95 (unless she directly asks you what you got). Let your co-worker be excited that she made $140 in tips from serving tonight and keep it to yourself that you made $165, again, unless directly asked. Let your friend be excited that she lost seven pounds this summer and don’t say “good for you, I lost 10.” I don’t think this needs anymore explaining.