The following five pieces of advice that are in this article are probably some of the most cliche out there. But, if you really think about it; they are so cliche because they are true. These pieces of advice are some of the most important to me and have formed me into the person that I am today.
1. Fall Down Seven Times, Get Back Up Eight.
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This is something that personally I still need to tell myself all the time. Everyone goes through hard times and sometimes they want to give up. But, the important thing is that you never give up. No matter how many times you fail; nothing will come close to how you feel once you accomplished what you needed. Life isn’t meant to be easy. People should work hard for the things that they want in life; they will not just be handed to you.
2. Good Things Happen to Those Who Earn It.
This goes along with the saying “good things happen to those who wait”. That is crap. You could wait your whole life for something good to happen and you would be screwed. It does not work that way. If you want something then you should work for it. You shouldn’t be sticking out your hand for hand outs that someone else has earned. If you want to go to a certain college, work to get the grades. If you want to be able to buy a pair of shoes or go out with friends, get a job and earn the money. It is more satisfying when you know that you have earned what has been given to you.
3. When One Door Closes Another One Opens.
To me this piece of advice goes along with “never look back, you’re not going that way”. Sometimes things happen in life and they are just over. There is nothing that we can do about it. It can be hard to let them go and move on, but it ended for a reason. Something better might be ahead. When one door closes it just symbolizes the fact that that part of your life is finished and that it is time to move forward. So, do not be afraid to continue through your life and constantly open new doors. You never know where they may lead.
4. Will This Matter in Six Months?
This is one of my absolute favorites. As someone who struggles with a lot of anxiety I try to remind myself of this often. There is no reason to stress over something that probably will not matter not to long from now. It will save you the stress and will save you from getting yourself worked up over nothing. It allows you to enjoy the moment you are in now instead of worrying what might happen later.
5. Be Yourself.
Lastly, the most important piece of advice that I could give anyone ever. It applies to most situations that a person could be in. No matter where you are in live it is important to stay true to who you are. It should not matter what others think of you or what others want you to be. If someone is constantly changing themselves to fit others expectations, then they really aren't who they are supposed to be. There the other person’s idea of who you should be. If someone doesn’t like who you are then they are not worth your time. They do not see the awesomeness in the real you. If you be yourself then things will just fall into place from there.