Video games are great. They're one of the best forms of entertainment out there in my opinion. If you know any games, you can be sure they've told you at some point things that game developers do that piss them off. While we love game developers to pieces for making video games a thing and they're usually pretty good at listening to what gamers have to say, sometimes they just don't listen to what a lot of people have wanted for a span of years. So I'm taking it upon myself to make gamers' voices heard with a list of common things gamers want that developers refuse to do anything about.
1. Stop Hyping Up Call of Duty
I'm probably biased on this one, but I'm sure a lot of people will agree with me that Call of Duty is overrated. They can be fun to play and all (zombies is great let's be honest), but overall as games they lack quality in my opinion. If you want a first person shooter with a story that's actually worth while, you should try games like DOOM. If you want a game with a better competitive multiplayer, you should try games like Left 4 Dead or Super Smash Bros Melee (Even though I love Bayonetta, Melee is better than Smash 4 in my opinion).
2. Backwards Compatibility
If you're unfamiliar with this term, it's essentially when an upgraded console has the ability to read and play games from previous console generations of it's line. Somewhere along the line consoles decided to stop making things backwards compatible (probably to save money) and many people were upset. While you can now play some of your old favorites by buying them in places like the Playstation Network and the Xbox Live Arcade (note that I said you have to buy them, so if you already own it you've essentially bought two copies of the same game >.>), chances are there are plenty of older games you love that are not available because they weren't deemed popular enough. Efforts have been made to try and rectify this, but as of right now I don't believe backwards compatibility has been fully established in all games. Moral of the story, make sure your older consoles and games are well maintained, because chances are you won't be able to play some of your favorite games for a while or maybe ever again if they go bottom up.
3. Multi-platform Gaming
If you thought taking away backwards compatibility from games was bad, multi-platform gaming is literal hell then. Multi-platform gaming is exactly what it sounds like. It's when game developers put some of their games on one particular console, and then decide to put others (that are absolutely crucial to the story of the game series) on completely different consoles and expect you to buy all of that extra stuff so they can make more money (yeah I'm talking to you Square Enix and your Kingdom Hearts bullshit). It's fine if you want maybe one or two games on one different console if that particular console works better with the inner game mechanics of the game developers are trying to make, but sometimes it just goes too far. Sometimes you'll see multi-platform gaming referred to as the ability of people on one type of gaming console like the Xbox One to be able to play with people on a different kind of console like the PS4 or PC gamers, and this is a great idea, it's just not the multi-platform gaming I'm referring to.
4. Fixing Female Armor
While this hasn't been as big of an issue as of late, there are plenty of games out there that sexualize armor for female characters, and it needs to stop. It's not actually practical armor if a chest plate on a man becomes a bra for women or anything else like that, and women are not sex objects. If you want to buy skins or something for your character to make them sexual by all means go for it, but don't make it a default. There is vast army of gamer girls and sympathetic gamer guys out there that want it to stop.
5. Valve Making a Third Anything
Even if you have absolutely not video game experience, you've probably seen memes or some kind of reference taking the form of "Half-Life 3 Confirmed". Half Life is one of the most popular gaming series out there. For whatever reason though, the company Valve doesn't seem to like making a third anything (I still want a Left 4 Dead 3). While I'm not entirely sure why Valve hasn't made a third Half-Life, I'm sure plenty of people would love if it existed.
6. Unskippable Cutscenes
Ah yes, cutscenes in games are truly a work of art. They help capture the overall beauty of the game and provide crucial story information as well as graphical displays not always possible within the playable game mechanics. The problem is, after you've seen them they get boring. What's worse you can't always skip them. You have to sit through the agonizing torment of watching the same dialogue repeatedly, and if it's a tough boss fight you keep losing to, it just adds to the misery. Kingdom Hearts is a game that comes to mind for being extremely guilty of this. Square Enix is guilty of a decent amount of these problems it seems.
7. Parts of the Game Where You Can Only Walk
Usually this is done for the purpose of the story development, but god if it isn't annoying. It must be some sort of agreement between all gaming companies to make the walking speed in every video game slower than a baby's crawling pace. I don't know why game developers like to see us suffer so much.
8. Drop Rates
For all my RPG fans out there, you know that usually if you want good equipment, you're going to have to fight some bosses to do it. Without fail the established drop rate of any item in any game with a drop system is god awful. You can end up spending hours, days, weeks, or months trying to get good items. It's just another way game developers get to watch us suffer.