When most people hear the word “introvert”, they immediately picture someone who is shy, quiet, and doesn’t like to go out much. But there is such a thing as a “social introvert”. Whether you realize it or not, we’re everywhere. If you happen to fall into this category, you’ll completely relate to the following:
1. You need copious amounts of alone time after social events
Whether you attended a big party, or just went out to dinner with a few friends, you always feel mentally exhausted when you get home. You want nothing more than to curl up on the couch with your favorite blanket and watch Netflix for the rest of the day/night.
2. You think long and hard before going out
You have to decide if you’re in the mood to spend the evening in a loud, crowded club or bar. If not, you know you’ll just spend the evening cranky and wanting to go home, potentially leaving your friends wishing they hadn’t asked you to go out.
3. You have “extroverted” and “introverted” days
Some days you wake up feeling extremely social, and you just want to spend the day doing as many fun activities with your friends as possible. Other days, you wake up wanting to turn your phone off and stay in bed alone watching movies.
4. You don’t generally like going out in large groups
Spending time with two or three of your closest friends is much more appealing to you than going out in large groups. The larger the group, the more shy you feel, making you wish you hadn’t gone out in the first place.
5. You sometimes get lonely
Believe it or not, even those that enjoy their alone time feel lonely from time to time. If you’re finding yourself alone on a day you’d rather be spending time with friends, you might experience a bout of loneliness. But you know it always passes and before you know it, you're back to having fun with friends.