1. Stress. Lots and lots of Stress
It'd honesty inevitable that anywhere from 1 to 6 cumulative exams will make you feel some type of way, and usually that way isn't good. From cramming the night before, to realizing you have half an hour to relax between two massive tests (my reality), the stress is bound to be there.
2. Hungry (and willing to eat anything)
Calories don't count during finals week, right? When you're studying at all hours of the day, and need to sneak a meal in, you'll eat basically whatever is easiest to get. This goes along with the stress too- you just eat more when you're taken over by stress, it's just how things work
3. Exhausted
No amount of coffee, no number of energy drinks, and no amount of power naps can stop us from feeling full exhaustion throughout the entire week. Believe me.
4. Comfort
Honestly, this is only because every moment spent in the library happens in the most comfortable attire. There will be people shamelessly walking around in pajamas no matter what time of day it is
5. Relief
This is only to say after hell week ends, but it really does happen. Being done with a full semester and studying for hours on end gets to end at some point, and it really does feel good. As finals week has just begun, and the end seems nowhere near, take this as a time to remember that the relief you'll feel when it's all over is beyond worth it.