We all have crushes. Sometimes they are dreadfully unrealistic fantasies about your favorite celebrity, or you may have a huge crush on the boy who lives next door. Regardless, they are funny little things that sometimes cause you to act a little differently than you normally would. I know that when I have a crush, I can act pretty silly at times. So, here are five things that everyone does when they have a crush (Or, maybe it's just me, but I hope not):
1. Stalk Their Social Media
To be totally honest, I stalk a lot of people's social media. My friends, my ex- friends, celebrities, ex- boyfriends, total strangers; you name it. That being said, I particularly stalk my crushes on social media. I've gotta check to see what photos they are liking, who is commenting on their pictures and what they like to post. This is serious business and can really take some time.
2. "Accidentally" Bump Into Them When You Know They Will Be Somewhere
Do not act like you are not guilty of this. If you know your crush is going to be by the auditorium between 3rd and 4th period, why not stop by and say hi? I know I am not the only person who has done this.
3. Over-analyze EVERYTHING
I tend to over think things anyway, but I really over think things when I have a crush. "Oh my gosh, he smiled at me. Maybe he likes me." "He texted me a winky face! Is he flirting?" I wrap my head around every possible meaning behind every. single. action.
4. Daydream
When I like someone, I tend to spend an embarrassing amount of time day dreaming about them. I like to imagine the best possible scenario: Him falling madly in love with me and us riding off into the sunset. What a pretty picture. :)
5. Smile
Even though having a crush can be annoying at times, it does make you excited and happy to see someone (even if it's only for a short while). Regardless of whether or not the relationship works out in the end, that person makes you happy at the moment. That is definitely something to smile about.