It's true what they say about being pregnant. There is nothing like it in the world and the feelings you get when you first see your baby is indescribable. Everyone always talks about the good stuff, but nobody ever talks about the "other" stuff that you experience when you are pregnant or how to mentally prepare. So to all, you future momma's out there, here are five things I wish I knew before/when I got pregnant.
And I don't mean a small pillow either. I mean the one that wraps itself around your body. Believe me when I tell you that it is 100% worth the money you spend on it. Your hips are changing and will hurt most likely in the beginning. It will help relieve some of that pressure, you do not need to have a huge belly to wait to get this. Buy it as soon as you can.
You are going to be tired your first trimester. Your body is going through so many changes and is growing a human being. The first trimester is when the baby really grows a lot and is exhausting on your body. Do not feel guilty about not going to hang out with a friend or waiting on that load of laundry. You need to take care of your body and the little person you have growing inside you. Growing a baby is a lot of work, so make sure you take care of what you need.
I know people say this and you are like yeah okay, but no really. Like extremely sensitive. You rub against something the wrong way, it gets cold, anything they feel it and will let you know. The winter was the worst because of how cold it is up North. So make sure you layer and keep them protected because they get to the point where it hurts. If you are going to be outside...HAND WARMERS IN THE BRA were my best friend! get yourself some. You will thank me later.
Yes, I know that this sounds weird because you are aware that your body is going to change. However, most women do not know how much their bodies will change. Not only are your emotions super high, but everything changes. You smell things that could be a mile down the road. Something you once thought smelled amazing can honestly make you feel sick to your stomach...or make you puke. You are more aware of your surroundings as you become protective and your motherly instincts kick in. Your boobs are growing and become sensitive to everything around them. You will grow hair in places you never thought you would grow hair. And because you are taking vitamins your hair grows faster...I don't know about anyone else but I feel like I shave my legs way more than I did before.
5. Everyone....and I mean Everyone will give you advice...
Being a new mom is so exciting and yes you may have some kind of idea of how to deal with Babies, but this is different. You may feel a little scared and start to ask for advice. Everyone has their own opinion on what you should do or how you should handle something, but at the end of the day just remember it's advice. You are the mother and the decision lies with you or with you and your partner. Not your friends or family. Listen to what people have to say, read the books, use google reviews for certain things, and make your own decisions. Not every parent, or soon to be parent is going to "parent" the same way and not everyone believes what you believe. Everyone experiences pregnancy and parenting differently. Follow your gut, listen to your common sense, and believe in your self.
At the End of the Day...
This is the best thing. Babies are exciting even though it's a little scary. Don't be afraid to ask questions or embarrassed. I'm sure there is someone who thought or is thinking about what you are thinking. And just remember...
You can do this!
Another Mom.