With college being out for the summer, everyone in their respective majors all end up doing something that is related to their major during the summer. Some do it without even realizing what they're doing or that it's even related to their major, almost as if it is second nature to them. Music majors are not different nor are excluded from this. Whether a music performance or music education major, we too do things that are subconsciously related to our major. So without further adieu, here are five things us music majors all do during summer break!
1. Sing.
Regardless if we're vocal/choral emphasis or instrumental/piano, we all sing at the top of our lungs to everything and anything that we hear. Although we sing all the time, summer break seems to be a must for self-concerts for music majors.
2. Conducting our favorite music.
This especially applies to music education majors who have to take conducting courses in order to graduate. Whether it's a popular song or a show-tune, we conduct, or at least attempt to, along with the music. It gets a bit more challenging as well as more fun when the meter changes. It's also great practice!
3. Harmonize.
Along with singing to everything, we also perform harmonies to the songs we listen to during the summer. Sometimes we even make up our own harmonies that sound ten times better than the actual harmonies in the songs. There's even a game that I heard about called Harmony, where you have to sing the correct harmony to a song in order to win and stay in the game. At times, singing harmony is a lot more enjoyable that singing the melody.
4. Binge watch musicals.
This is any and all music majors' lives! Musicals make up at least 45% of our mental repertoire. With that being said, not only do we binge watch musicals, we also belt out our favorite musical numbers. Musicals that are included in the list to binge are Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz, West Side Story, Annie, Hairspray, and My Fair Lady, just to name a few.
5. Practice.
As the saying goes, "practice makes perfect" and music majors are not excluded from that. Although it's summer, practicing is very important to keeping up with what we learned as well as to work on what we struggle with. Whether its vocal, instrumental, or conducting even, practice is a very important part of the job.
There you have it! Five things that every music major does during the summer!