When I was younger, I was the quietest kid. My brother used to say that you couldn't even hear the pages of my book turning during a road trip. I'm pretty sure I didn't start truly coming out of my shell until I was 16 years old, which probably would surprise all of the people I have met recently. Today, I am the loudest person you might ever meet. I'm honestly making up for 16 years of wasted potential, so at least I have a good reason.
Being a loud person is never easy; most of the time I'm deflecting insults or scaring people away with how obnoxious I am. Although I've come to realize that it's someone else's loss if they can't handle my voice, I still get tired of hearing the same things over and over. Here are five of the things every loud person (and mostly certainly me) is tired of hearing:
1. Do you know you're yelling?
Wait, really? Oh, my god, I am so embarrassed! Just kidding. I am very excited about what I am telling you, so I am yelling. Take this as an opportunity to be happy for me.
2. Oh my god, shut up.
This is my personal favorite. Unless I am talking in the most inappropriate of places (i.e. a cemetery or a museum), I will never be silenced. We were given voices for a reason; I’m just following orders.
3. We can hear you two towns away.
Whoa, that’s so cool! I’m like the Paul Revere of my era. Just spreading the news quickly and mostly certainly loudly. The people of the town over should thank me for warning them about the rude barista at Starbucks.
4. Thanks for shattering my ear drums.
You’re welcome! They were insanely sensitive to sound. You probably should’ve gotten them fixed anyway.
5. Are you ever quiet?
Let me answer that one very simply: No. To be honest, I was pretty sure I was whispering. There are like six more notches on this volume dial. I’d be very glad to demonstrate.
Moral of the story: never let anyone change who you are. Be loud, and be proud.