If you haven’t figured it out by now, high school sucks. You’ve more than likely heard “These are the best days of your life” or “You’re going to want this back” as Trace Adkins sang to the world. It’s ironic that although you’re going to be miserable for a fraction of your four years, you will miss it after your tassel is turned to the left. Here are 5 simple tips to keep in mind during your tragic enjoyment.
1. Looking nice every single day is just not a thing.
Don’t even attempt this. For a girl it’s such a long process of waking up, taking a shower, makeup, hair, and clothes. You’ll either have to wake up extra early or be running late, and neither are a good idea. Waking up late can make you cranky, and there is nothing in this world worse than a cranky teenage girl, and most people, including your parents will probably start hating you. Running late causes detention and you feel behind. Plus, everyone stares at you. If you have social anxiety like me, it's the worst experience in the world walking to that empty seat with every judging eye on you as others are whispering or commenting on your lateness.
2. Don’t make dating a priority.
Yes, high school boys are attractive, but there are bigger priorities in school that should be at the top of your list. In four years, your closest friends and you are going to be headed in different directions. I cannot stress to you enough how important it is to spend every single moment possible with them - laughing with them, joking around with them, the sonic runs, especially those nights you just spent driving around screaming song lyrics at the top of your lungs. Even tell them how much you appreciate them. Boyfriends/girlfriends are great to have but you’ll regret spending every day with that person in 20 years when you can barely even remember their name.
3. Grades aren’t everything.
You may think that without straight A’s, getting the highest GPA, or scoring higher than a 25 on your ACT, you’ll never amount to anything or even get into college. Oh you dear person, believe it or not being average or even a little below average is perfectly okay. Don’t stress yourself out constantly studying or cramming in homework for classes that I promise only matter for those few short years. Take a deep breathe, spend time with friends, go for a run (or don’t, that sounds awful), or enjoy being with your family, whom you’ll also miss one day. Now, of course you should try, especially if you’re college-bound, but it’s not worth the mental breakdowns every night when you can’t figure out a math problem or taking extra classes that are going to make you go insane. All you ever really get is maybe a few scholarships and an extra piece of clothing to wear with your robes.
4. Attend every event you can.
You don’t have to like the students or even pay attention to them, but enjoy the high school atmosphere in the student section of a football or basketball or sweaty dances because those are memories that can’t be recreated or forgotten. Soak it all in. Never let regret fill your heart or mind for not going.
5. Keep your friends close; keep Jesus closer.
Make Jesus Christ your best friend. Spend every day with him. Don’t say to your friends, “Hey, we can’t hang out anymore I have better plans with my pal JC,” but keep him first. Start your love, trust, faith in him early, and let it get you through your rough times or when you’re dealing with those overdramatic rumors. Take his hand when you’re walking through the front doors on your first day, and never let it go.
But whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease without dread of disaster. ~Proverbs 1:33