There are two types of people in the world: those who love Disney and those who don't. If you're like me, you're in the group of people who do. I grew up in a household where Disney was a big part of my childhood. I watched Disney movies and Disney Channel pretty much every day, my family has gone down to Disney World plenty of times and I wanted anything that had to do with a Disney character. It didn't matter if it was a toy or a book, I wanted it. As I've grown up, my love for Disney has grown, and I've noticed some things that a lot of people who love Disney do compared to people who don't.
1. Whenever we see a Disney store, we have to go in. No questions asked.
We just can't help it! We see the name, and it's like an invisible force is drawing us toward it. Our friends sometimes hate it because all of us will be walking together, and then the next minute one of us won't be there and they'll be wondering where we went! What can we say?! It's Disney!
2. We're constantly listening and/or singing songs from the movies.
Or we hear something and relate it back to a Disney song. It's not our fault that the songs are so catchy! "Go the Distance" was my go-to song my senior year of high school!
3. If we could, we would dress up like our favorite characters every day.
We just love them so much! We would go all out with the costumes and basically be the character! I would dress up like Jasmine one day and Arial the next! Just imagine going into class or a meeting with a tail and being like, "What's up fishes?" It would be great!
4. We can quote our favorite movies at any time.
Feeling stressed? "Hakuna Matata." Need some motivation to keep going? "Just keep swimming." Need to let someone know how much you love them? "Some people are worth melting for." There is a Disney quote for every situation, and we know all of them.
5. We always want to go back to Disney World and/or Land.
These parks are like a second home to us. We just love the atmosphere, and when we get to meet our favorite characters, make sure you take plenty of pictures of us! The food is also always amazing. And it's just a great place!
So yes, we do all of these things, but they're what makes us, us. We're already planning our next trip to the parks!