Thanksgiving is here! There are so many things to be thankful for this year. But as a college student there are a few things across the board that we all should be thankful for this week.
1. Thanksgiving Break
Finally a break! I think every college student can agree that this semester has beaten us down. We are ready for a break and some time to relax, even if it is only a few days.
2. Family
Our supportive family, who may care a little to much at times, but always have our best interest at heart. And a few bucks to spare when you are really running low.
3. The semester is almost over.
The semester ending means finals, but it also means Christmas! And a month long break with no assignments hanging over your head!
4. A home cooked meal.
If you live on campus you probably miss home cooked food more than you miss anything else from home. You've most likely been having weird dreams of skiing down slopes of mashed potatoes and diving into a pool of stuffing for a month.
5. Alcohol
Alcohol to get you through the inevitable "Are you dating anyone?" and"What are you going to do after graduation?" questions that are going to come from every single one of your relatives. Grab a glass of wine, as much as you love your family, you're going to need it this holiday.