Being a college student to begin with is stressful enough, but being a girl in college comes with it's own challenges. Whether it's our school work, job, friendships, boy problems, or just the typical bad day for no reason, there's always something. I think we all relate to each other more than we like to admit, so here are just a few things to remember that will help you get through whatever it is you are going through!
1. "The test you think you just failed, doesn't define you."
Although it might seem like it does right now, seeing that you studied forever, the grade you just got doesn't define you. The number in on that exam does not reflect your intelligence or your worth. No matter how much it might feel like it. A grade is just a grade, it happened, it's in the past now, but you can move on and learn from it. So shrug it off, and go kick butt on the next one!
2. "Life is tough my darling, but so are you."
Right now you might be feeling really down. For whatever reasons, school work load, friendships, family issues, or boys. You feel like nothing in life goes your way, ever. Well let me remind you of your worth. How strong you are. Even though right now you feel your weakest I promise you, you are a strong person and you will get through it. You always do, so just remember whenever you are at your lowest, it does get better. But I totally get it if Netflix and ice cream is the cure at the moment, go for it, no one is stopping you!
3. "Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations."
Success is not something that comes easily. It's something that takes time. Success is something that isn't reached until mistakes are made and overcome. Things wont be easy, but is anything? So if you are struggling in school, or the relationship you are in, remember that. The mistakes that you make now will make you more successful in the future.
4. "5 for 5 rule: If it's not going to matter in five years, don't spend more than five minutes upset about it."
It's easy to dwell on issues you're dealing with in college longer than you really should. This is such a great rule because I know we've all been there, thinking it's the end of the world, and letting it affect our lives more than it should. This is honestly just a great reality check, it's a reminder to do whatever is best for you and the issues that pop up here an there in your life really aren't as big as they seem. So just remember, you can get through whatever it is.
5. "Empowered women, empower women."
I will never understand why some girls feel it's okay to put other girls down. We are all supposed to stick together and boost each other up. Because let me ask you something, when you get the smallest compliment from someone, how does that make you feel? Great right? So why wouldn't you want others to get that feeling? Especially this day in age, women every where are making their mark, heck a women is even running for President of the United States of America. Women are pretty great, so lets all remind each other that.