Oh how I love being an aunt. My nephew makes me so happy mainly because he is a happy little kid like 95% of the time. That being said, when it comes to being an aunt, there a few things that every aunt knows to be true.
Here are five of them (along with some ridiculously cute gifs of babies):
1. Some people might ask you if they are yours.
Luckily, I have not gotten asked this question yet. I mean, I refer to my nephew as "my baby" often enough, I feel like some people assume that he is mine.
2. Pictures of them consume your phone.
Let's be honest, the majority of my camera roll is full of pictures and videos of my nephew. Every time I see him, I take a new video and a bajillion photos. No regrets.
3. You acquire a shadow.
At least for me, my nephew tends to follow me around everywhere I go while at home. It is like whatever I am doing is 100 times more interesting than whatever toy he was playing with.
4. You get a million more nicknames.
My nephew is two years old, and in the small span of his life that he has been able to talk, he has given me more nicknames than I can remember. To name a few: "Nae Nae", "My Baby", "Baby", "Ijjy", and the most current one "Iddy."
5. Somehow, you always get their food on you.
Many times I have been given the task of feeding my nephew. Especially when he was younger, I would somehow get his food all over me. I can remember this one time that he just really did not want to eat and I ended up with pureed sweet potatoes on my pants and my feet.
Needless to say, being an aunt has been pretty much the best thing that has happened to me. My life changed when I became an aunt and I would not trade it for anything in the world. Parts of my life, that I did not think would change, are different now and it is actually quite interesting. Being an aunt is a hard job. Your nieces/nephews look up to you and watch pretty much everything you do.
So to all you aunts out there, keep doing a great job!