When we think about siblings, we often think about the people in our lives who we fought over the remote with, who we over-protected on a daily basis, and who we loved with all of our hearts. I grew up with 3 sisters and one brother. My brother and I are very close because we both enjoy the same things: video games, watching TV etc. However, the relationship I had with my sisters was different than my relationship with my brother. I wasn't the best at saying what I needed to say so here are 5 things I don't say to my sisters enough:
There are so many things I wish I could say to you, but the truth is that you're not ready to hear some of them yet. So, with that in mind, here are 5 things I need you to hear from me now, because I didn't say them enough when I was with you.
1. You are beautiful.
This world will often tell you that you aren't pretty enough or you aren't good enough. I'm here to tell you that they are wrong. You are beautiful in every way, both on the outside and on the inside. You have ALWAYS been good enough, and you will always be good enough.
2. I will always be over protective.
I will always be that person that asks how you're doing and if you're okay because its just something I do. I will always be protective of you, because you mean the world to me, and if someone hurts you, I will always be there to pick you up.
3. I will ALWAYS be your #1 fan.
From the softball diamond, to the two hour cry seshes, I will always be there cheering you on and lifting you up. Life forces you to make many decisions. It's not my job to choose for you or make those decisions easier on you. Rather, my job is to continually support you in whatever you do. I may not necessarily agree with some of the decisions you make, but i will always be there when you need me to be.
4. I love you.
I know you think I say this enough, but the truth is I really don't. I took you for granted when I was at home, but now that I am in college, my perspective has changed on a lot of things, including this. I didn't say I love you enough, so I am going to continue saying it until the day I die. I love you even when we fight. I love you even when you hate me. I love you when your sad. I love you when your happy. I love you unconditionally and endlessly.
5. I miss you.
It sucks not being with you every day. I try not to acknowledge the fact that you aren't here, but as I write this, its hitting me like brick wall. I took you for granted growing up. I thought I would be ready to take on life without you guys there every day, but the truth is that its hard. I hate seeing you live your lives without me there, but I know that you are alive and thriving in every way. I enjoy our weekly phone calls and hearing about your adventures back home. I miss you in every way, and I know for a fact I don't say that enough. I hope and pray that the universe is constantly giving you good people to cling on to, and that you are taking advantage of what life has to offer you. You have greatness in you, don't settle for anything less than what you deserve.
Love Always,
Your Person
For My Sisters Kate, Erin, and Sara. Thank you for being a light in my life.