Do you really know what a food runner does? Well let me tell you its a lot. Little do people know, we do way more than just bring your food out. Also there are so many things that you may not think we know how to do, but trust me we know exactly what we are doing!
1. To-go food.
Along with running all of the dine in food, expos (an official name) pack up all of the to go food. Which in some cases, is A LOT of to go food. Most of the time it would be easier to order bulk food instead of the 17 entrees you just ordered. There are also a million small things that have to go in a to go order besides the food, as in silverware, sauces, sides, ketchup and so much more.
2. The kitchen.
Now this varies among restaurants and people, but dealing with the kitchen isn't always fun. Whenever an order is wrong, you have to go back and tell them that they are wrong and most of the time, they aren't fans of that. Or when customers are extremely picky, yes I'm talking to the only lettuce and onion people. Also most of the time when an order is wrong, its never our fault, its either the server, the kitchen or you said you wanted the wrong thing (which has happened a lot).
3. I know where to put the food.
This one is the most annoying. Most systems that restaurants use have seat numbers and the server is suppose to match the food to the seat number. Now servers can always mess up, and the system can change things if the server doesn't put it in correctly. When an expo brings food out, they know where the food should be placed and how it needs to be placed, so please don't tell me where it goes, because I KNOW. Also once you have ordered your food, please don't change seats, because then you will get the wrong food put in front of you.
4. Tips.
Little do people know, most of the time, you aren't just tipping the server. The servers also tip out the expos, host and bartender. So when you tip, think about who cleaned the table and sat you, who brought your food out and helped if you needed anything else, and if you drink alcohol, think about who poured it.
5. Be patient.
For restaurants that get really busy, it will take some time for food to come out. So please don't complain, it only makes things worse. We try our hardest to get the food out and in a timely manner. If you are in a rush, then let your server know and order something that can be out easily. If your server is busy, give them some time to get caught up.
Working in a restaurant isn't easy and it gets annoying when a customer acts like you don't know what you are doing. This isn't suppose to be a rant but these are the things that I think about while working.