1. He must fix the economy.
This is arguably one of the most important things facing the country. The economy, simply put, is not working for most people. The growth rates are extremely low. Unemployment, despite popular belief, is still too high for our liking. We need an economy that is competitive with China and we need our GDP to go up. Most importantly, we need real, paying jobs to open up so everyone in America can get ahead.
2. He must fix the social divide.
It's not a surprise to anyone that this country is very divided. Now that the election is over, one could argue that point even more so. President-Elect Donald Trump MUST find a way to unite all communities. This includes whites, LGBTQ+, minorities, and all those who have opposed and continue to oppose him. America is at its absolute best when all of its people feel united and feel that they all belong. We can get back to this, but we need everyone to work hard together to achieve this.
3. Stay the hell out of the Middle East.
The American people are SICK AND TIRED of all the military intervention in the Middle East, as it has done nothing but make us less safe. Trump needs to look at the message of the Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, which preaches minding our own business and keeping our military out of places that don't warrant its presence. There is no benefit to keeping our troops in all these countries that wouldn't have our back if the tables were turned.
4. Find a plausible solution to immigration.
Trump has often talked about building a wall and having Mexico pay for it. But it in all honesty, how likely is that to happen? Not very likely at all, if you ask me. We need to find a way to have people become American citizens faster, but at the same time, find a way to halt illegal immigration. We are a country of immigrants, so it is foolish to try and stop immigration altogether. Therefore, we must find ways to ensure people have a clear and attainable path to citizenship so the can enjoy the country we care for so deeply.
5. Fix relations around the world.
Russia's Vladimir Putin came out and said, after the election, that he is open to restoring relations with America. This is important because we need to regain trust and respect throughout the world. We may not agree with everything Russia does, but you can bet your ass that having them as an ally is preferable to the alternative. We also need to fix our alliance with Isreal, but we can't have it be such a one sided relationship.
This election was intense. Even though Hillary Clinton, who did, in fact, win the popular vote, did not win the election, we must show that there is a way forward. We can be a great nation under Donald Trump, but we must work together.
Let's all work together and restore everything we love in this great country! God bless you and God bless the USA.