Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a huge dog person. I normally prefer dogs to people and, that being said, I spend an awful lot of time with my dogs, both at home and at school. One of my roommates and my favorite pastimes at school has become watching our dog and laughing about all of the weird and stupid stuff she does. I've learned two important things this year: humans are basically dogs' slaves, and dogs get away with things that humans could never get away with doing.
So for anyone who loves their dogs to pieces but just doesn't understand what they're thinking on a daily basis, this article is for you.
1. Growling at others.
Dogs tend to growl at people or other dogs if they feel that they are a threat to the dog's owners. While the dog's intentions are good, if a human were to growl at another person it would definitely not be perceived well, whatsoever. If we get protective over others we're called "overbearing" or "possessive" but when dogs do it it's just cute and out of love.
2. Licking random surfaces.
One thing dogs love to do is lick things, all kinds of things, such as floors, tables, people, clothes; you name it, they've probably licked it. While it's kind of weird when a dog does it, humans don't think twice about it because it's just a dog being a dog. However, if a human were to go around licking things people would assume that they were either on drugs or had one too many Tequila shots.
3. Having no concept of personal space.
One thing I have learned having a dog is that personal space is really a luxury. Our dog is known for bursting into our rooms and walking all over us, sitting on our heads or just trampling through all of our homework. If a human were to just ignore the concept of personal space though they would be considered as creepy and annoying, while dogs do it and are just adorable and cuddly.
4. Having accidents in the house.
Every dog is guilty of not being able to make it outside to do their business at one point or another. Every human has come home, after leaving their dog alone for just a little too long, and finding a wet floor. While we obviously scold our dog when it first happens, we don't think much of it afterwards. If a human were to have an accident, though, they would never live it down.
5. Gaining weight.
No one can resist a pudgy dog, there's just so much more of them to love! While no owner minds if their dog gains a few pounds, the same cannot be said for humans. In a society so obsessed with diet fads and workouts, weight gain is not acceptable. Thankfully for us, though, we can still cuddle with our slightly overweight dogs without any stigma.
Being a dog is easy, or at least it looks that way. While we may not ever actually know what they're thinking, it seems that they've got a pretty good life. Dogs can essentially do whatever they want without severe stigma or consequences. I'm really hoping that I am a dog in my next life! Until then, though, I'll just continue cuddling them and begging my parents to adopt more!