Being a design major means that your college experience could be different than other majors. Some of the things that make a design major different than the others are what they have to go through to finish their major. These 5 things you may find yourself experience sometime but it is what design majors go through to become a designer.
1. Art supplies: they are no joke
Art supplies are something that you want to think about the long run when buying because you are probably going to use them later on in life/college.
2. Your computer will become your life.
Having a working laptop is something all college students need, but for a design major it means that you need more than just a working computer, because you will be needing for almost all your design classes.
3. Finals week is also called project/presentation week.
Even though not all your classes are design classes most of the time you will spend working on projects or presentations instead of studying out of a textbook.
4. Drawing pads become your textbook.
Most design classes offer a textbook but most of the time you don’t use it. Instead of paying over $1,000 for textbook you are using that money on art supplies and drawing pads.
5. Messy dorms are unavoidable.
As much as you would like to keep a clean dorm room, it may stay clean for at least a week but you will end up having your projects all over the place. Even if you’re a clean person you will have that time period where it will be messy.Experiencing these things myself makes me appreciate what it really takes to become a designer.