Going into college, students often think that they are only going there to learn what they need to know about whatever their major might be and the occasional party. What students do not realize is they will learn things about life the, life after college; things needed to survive the REAL WORLD.
Here are 5 things college will teach you about life:
1. Being successful living on your own. For the people who go to college far away from home, this is one lesson that is learned quite quickly. When you are alone (without your parents) you have to learn to do things on your own that mom or dad used to take care of for you. You will learn how to cook, or you will starve. If you are like me I just let my roommate and friends do the cooking. You or your roommate will learn how to wash clothes or else you will be wearing the same underwear which is quite gross. Those are the two most important things in my book for you or at least your roommate to know how to do.
2. Communication. I, for one, went to college very shy. I hated to talk on the phone. I hated to talk to people who I did not know. A lot has changed within a year. I now have no problem calling someone and talking to them about whatever it may be. I can talk to people that I do not know and I have learned to get to know them. Heck, I can even talk to a doctor and tell them what is wrong with me as to where I would look at my mama before.Â
3. You always learn something new. I have learned many things throughout my first year of college and most of the things that I have learned were not in the classroom. Even after graduation when you move on to your career you will still be learning things that you never knew, and I am sure somewhere along the way you will teach someone something that they did not know. It does not have to be anything big to be able to learn or to teach; it can often just be a fun fact. You never know when and where you may learn or teach someone something.Â
4. There are difficult people everywhere. In elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and the real world there will always be at least one person who you come in contact with regularly that strives to be difficult. Sometimes you have to work with them and just overlook the way that they think. Try to help them to realize that everything is not as difficult as they may think (just do it in a nice way).Â
5. Responsibility. Many times in college, students have to learn responsibility the hard way. Some people get caught drinking under age or drinking and driving. It is all a learning lesson in responsibility. Learning to be responsible is not always learned the hard way. Responsibility could be waking up and being to class on time. It could be remembering to feed your puppy or fish. It could be going to bed early because you have an early morning. It could be paying bills or learning from your mistakes, but responsibility is most definitely learned in college.