In just a few short weeks, many college students across the nation will leave their hometown and head back to their college campus. Many students have been itching to get back to campus since the day they left, while some are wishing they could spend a few more days at home. Whether you are eager to get back or not, here are five things to do before you head back to your college town.
Eat At Your Favorite Restaurant(s)
Because some food just isn't the same in your college town.
Facetime Your College Friends
To talk about your break, your crazy families and all the things you will do when you get back on campus.
Mentally Prepare For The Semester
Watching Netflix and sleeping all day is the only way to truly prepare for the upcoming semester.
Spend Time With Your Pets
You know that you're going to miss your pets more than your friends/family.
Plan Exactly Where You Will Go The First Weekend Back On Campus
Your parents are probably hoping that you'll jumpstart the semester and spend your first weekend in the library, most college students have other plans. Whether it is going to your favorite restaurant, fraternity house or bar, you first weekend back will be one to remeber.