It's crazy to imagine that this May I will be walking across the stage and be receiving my Associates' degree. It has been an amazing 3 years, I have met so many great friends, many which I call family now. I have come far on this journey and thought I would with you some things that college has taught me.
1. Love yourself
Be confident in who you are, and don't let anyone mistreat you or push you around. Because there are people out there that will try and put you down, but as long as you believe in yourself you can get through anything.
2. Not all friendships are everlasting.
I have lost many friends since graduating high school but since going to a new school I have met new and amazing friends that are now like family and that are always there for me no matter where we go after we get our degree.
3.College is nothing like high school.
In college, you're always tired, always hungry, you barely have time for yourself, the workload is 100 times harder, midterm and final exams are harder, and the people are much nicer in college.4. It's okay to take a step back.
Sometimes we take on a little bit more than we can handle.Think about what you actually have to and want to do. Prioritize and cut back.5. Don't lose sight of your goals.
At first, I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life but now after looking and changing my major time after time. I have finally decided what I want to do for the rest of my life.