As the year is coming to an end there are some things that high school students should take advantage of before they leave. Everyone will feel better moving forward knowing that they took advantage of every opportunity and had been able to get some closure with what used to be their everyday life.
1. End the drama.
End the high school drama. It won't matter once you graduate. Moving on from pointless drama will be easier if there isn't bad blood still circulating.
2. Thank your educators, thank your parents and thank your friends.
Thank your teachers that supported and guided you towards the right direction. Thank them for the opportunities and the skills they provided you with in order to succeed in college.
Through out all the homework assignments, sports games and banquets, plays and award ceremonies, your parents were there for you. Even if they couldn't make it to everything, they always supported you and your endeavors. Make sure to not only thank them for financially supporting you but also for their unconditional love.
Through the ups and downs, you and your friends survived high school together. Make sure to thank them for the support and the great memories.
3. Go to a school play!
Support your fellow peers in one of the most vulnerable places they put themselves in. A lot of time and effort goes in to a production and before it is too late, the opportunity to see a show for cheap is not always going to be there.
4. Go to a sporting event!
Support your fellow peers in one of their sporting events. A lot of time, exercise, practice and skill building go in to playing a competitive sport. This will be one of your last times to show your school pride. Take advantage of that!
5. Appreciate your surroundings.
Take in your high school and its surroundings. Take advantage of everything high school has to offer before you walk across that stage. You want to have memorable experiences before you leave forever.