The other day, I found myself getting so overwhelmed with everything I was trying to balance, that I became a 'negative Nancy'. Everything sucked. Nothing was fun. I couldn't enjoy anything because I was so focused on how much I had to do. So when I was at dinner one night with a friend, she asked me how I was, and when I rolled my eyes and laughed, she knew things weren't good. So when we left the restaurant, she suggested we go for a drive. And while there were about a thousand things I should have been doing in the 2ish hours we spent exploring, it was exactly what I needed. We ended up at this random national park in the middle of nowhere (literally). Not only was it incredibly peaceful and beautiful, it also felt like we were miles and miles away from everything- every commitment, every homework assignment, every ounce of drama. I realized then that I'm not going to remember every time I found myself so stressed, or every time I cried. I'm going to remember the fun nights, the adventures, the happiness. So, here are 5 things you should always be happy about. May they keep your attitude positive, your energy level high, and your smile bright.
1. Adventure
There is nothing I love more than going on an adventure! The excitement of the unknown, and the discovery of new things is SO fun! Whether you are going on an adventure with a friend to a store, or exploring new national parks one night with another friend, be excited about every adventure you go on!
2. The outdoors
I spend most of my nature time on the golf course, which I happen to love, but just enjoy the outside. Dance in the rain, lay in the sunshine, walk through a snow storm. Be outside, and enjoy it!
3. Use more emojis.
Emojis are fun and express all kinds of emotion when a simple text can't. Plus, there are the random emojis like the unicorn and the piece of fruit that looks like a butt, which are really just funny.
4. Pictures.
Maybe your day isn't so great. Maybe you have tons to do. Take a moment and look through some of your pics on your phone. You will remember some of the most amazing days of your life. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll feel motivated to keep powering through (I just looked through some of my pics the other day, it works, I promise).
5. Your friends.
I don't know about y'all, but I have some of the most amazing friends ever to walk the earth. They are supportive when I have a melt down, they laugh with me (and sometimes at me), they tell me when my outfits don't match, they have cried with me, and for me. They have even come to watch me play golf (if that doesn't show true friendship, I don't know what does). They know the real me. So lean on your friends; they will hold you together, just as you hold them together.