People of the socially awkward world, you are not alone! This goes for anyone who has a socially awkward moment. Hopefully, you can relate to these five things!
1.) Not Correctly Responding to "What's Up?"
Do you ever have those moments when someone you know in passing says, "Hey, what's up" and all you can respond with is a smile, incoherent English, or answering their question, but never asking them? It happens to me all the time.
2.) Waving to Someone who Doesn't notice
I find it so awkward when you see someone you know and you wave and they either don't see or they ignore you. It's even worse when it is someone you are super close with and you made a fool out of yourself.
3.) Texting when you are in large groups of people
Being in a group can be very scary. In order to make the situation less awkward, we tend to go on our phones and not socialize with anyone. In fact, you may even pretend to text or take a call just so you do not have to talk to anyone.
4.) Not knowing how to "flirt"
In college, we go out to try and socialize. Maybe during this time, an attractive person of the opposite gender may try to start an interaction. But you cannot get any words out or just act overly embarrassing.
5.) Finding an excuse to get out of social events
This comes in three forms. Socially awkward people such as myself either give an excuse that is completely not true, cancel last minute, or tell people they will think about it and never get back to them.
6.) Avoiding Eye Contact
Eye contact is a really awkward part of human interaction. How much is too much? So, sometimes it is better to just avoid all possible eye contact and focus on something less scary like the ground.
7.) Elevators are the enemy
Elevators are a great way to avoid physical activity, but they are the worst when putting a group of stranger together. Do you just stand there and stare at the doors? Do you try and associate with the stranger also standing there? Why is it always so quiet in an elevator?
8.) Awkward Dancing
Going out seems like a fun idea until you have to dance. Everyone else can dance and everyone else has rhythm. But you, on the other hand, you create your own rhythm.
9.) Doing Everything You Possibly Can to Avoid People You Know
Seeing people you know can be very scary, especially when you least expect them. That's why people like you and me find a way to avoid them. Some of my personal favorites are taking an unexpected detour, putting on sunglasses indoors, looking down at my phone, and hiding behind something or someone.
10.) Bumping Into People
I don't know about you, but I always tend to bump into people. And then I have to apologize for bumping into them, and more likely than not, the other party is not too happy. How do people walk so flawlessly without bumping into other people?
Don't hide your awkwardness! Embrace it! At the end of the day, everyone has at least one or two awkward moments.