Freshman year of college is quite an experience. It's fun and exciting, but preparations can be crazy. With all the lists being checked and checked again, you would think that there wouldn't be a chance that you could forget anything, but it isn't until the first or second week of classes that you realize what all you forgot. So here is a list of essentials for college.
1. Bed Risers
I did initially get bed risers, but when they didn't work into our original room design, I took them back. Flash forward three weeks, and I needed them when we rearranged our room. Always have bed risers. If you want to get really fancy, some bed risers have plugs in them since most dorms aren't allowed to have extension cords (but check to make sure these are compliant with your university's rules!).
2. Cord Grips
I didn't even know these existed until I was wandering around Target one day, but believe me: they are a life saver. They help to hide and organize your chords for you dorm room.
3. A Waterproof Backpack
Honestly, I didn't even think about this until this past week when I had to walk across campus in the pouring rain. Nothing is worse than realizing that your backpack isn't waterproof, and half or your $100 textbooks are wet. Luckily Amazon has some nice, well-priced ones!
4. An Umbrella!
I prefer travel-sized because they fit well in a book bag, but I know many people who have regular sized or golf umbrellas because they can fit more people underneath them! Whatever size you choose, make sure you have one!
5. A Bathrobe
Not only are they super comfy when it's cold, but also if you live in a dorm with communal bathrooms, they are incredibly practical! I made the mistake of not getting one before move-in, but once I got one, I've used it non-stop!
Remember, whether you get any or all of these items, you will forget something and end up making countless Wal-Mart trips. But that's all part of the college experience fun!