1. The Homework
For some reason, winter quarter seems to have the most homework, the hardest exams, and the easiest classes to sleep in. Which always leads to fun conversations in which you ask an acquaintance of an acquaintance if they could possibly lend you notes, only to find that their notes are nonsensical. But at least you made a new friend!
2. The Pain
It's cold. It gets dark at obscenely early hours. It's always cloudy, there is no sun, there are no trees, and everything is dead. But somehow, you need to find the motivation to write a twenty page research paper, HUM essays, study for two exams, work, participate in RSO's, apply to internships, sleep, eat, socialize, network . . .
This pressure will eventually force you to give in to eating those fries at every meal and getting that second slice of cake. So now you have an excuse to eat all those carbs!
3. The Colds
At this point, the cold, the stress, and the lack of sleep have taken a toll on everyone's immune systems, and even those who are obsessive about taking Airborne daily have begun to break under the strain. But it's also fourth week, midterms are starting, and you can't just skip everything. You take all the necessary medicines, only to find that they make you drowsy and unable to work, but hey! You'll never get this particular strain of the common cold again, so it's fine.
4. The Cold
During first week, the wind chill gave us a nice, welcoming temperature of -20 degrees Fahrenheit. It stayed this way for about two weeks. But because the human body is great at adapting to brutal temperatures, we're all quite happy when the temperature reaches a balmy 25 degrees!
5. The Lack of Cold
Somedays, it might be 50 degrees. Other days, it might be -15. You never know. It's an exciting game to play! Wear a coat, and it might be too warm. Don't wear a coat, and you might freeze your fingers off. It's always nice to be kept guessing. It makes life so much more exciting!