Hey college students. Remember those last 2 months of high school? You know, the period of time when you’ve already chosen your college, you put down your tuition deposit, and you’re just dying to get out? Yeah, me too. Then the day comes to move into your new school, new life, and discover a new definition of the word “freedom”. Yeah you had great times with your lifelong friends, SGA, drama, band, sports, and whatever else you participated in, but you know it’s time to move on to a new adventure. On that move-in day, you probably also realized what you will never miss about high school. Here are a few of those things, and I guarantee every Millennial will know what I'm talking about.
1) Waking up at 6am
If you weren't a morning person in high school, you probably didn't pass your first period class, and spent a lot of money on coffee.
The glorious college life allows us to choose how late we want to watch netflix, and still make it to our 12pm class the next day.
2) Having a dress code
Guys, you wore a tank top to school? Have fun in detention. Girls, you wore anything that didn't go past your arm's length? Have fun in detention, and have a LOT of fun with that referral.
College kids, could you imagine a teacher telling you to go change your outfit? No? Me neither.
3) Teachers who don't curse
I know, this one sounds odd. But hear me out. Most college students hear their professors curse from time to time. When they do, the mood of the class typically improves, it helps you relate to the teacher, and it gets the back 3 rows of the classroom off Facebook for a few minutes if it was funny enough.
Your high school teacher cursed? He'll most likely be fired and will appear on your local news station.
4) School lunch
In High School, besides the occasional lunch where the kitchen staff combined mashed potatoes with corn and chicken nuggets, you were better off at the vending machine that contained only fat-free, sugar-free, and carb-free items(Thanks Michelle Obama).
It depends on your University, but the average freshman cafeteria is a substantial upgrade from the former. And don't even get me started about the on-campus Chick fil a.
5) Consecutive classes
We all know the constant struggle of only having 4-6 minutes between each class. You cherish every second and use it for conversation, the water fountain, and a couple of snapchats if you're lucky. Unless of course you were the sad soul whose classes were on opposite sides of your school.
In college, there might be one ten minute gap between classes since you took too long to finish registration, but you usually have at least 50 minutes in between each one. If you need food, forgot to do your homework, or need more time to contemplate if you should even go, don't worry. You've got time.