Growing up with siblings is a learning experience like no other. From chores to family events, everything becomes a little bit more complicated when you add a group of brothers and/or sisters to the mix. Though at times it can be frustrating, siblings are a hidden blessing that you will always be thankful for, even if you don't say it out loud. Here are some of the relatable things that can usually be found in a household that has four or more siblings:
1. Laundry and dishes are, and always will be, your least favorite chores.
Sorting through the laundry and washing the dishes for more than three people is a task. In a family of six people to wash and sort for, there are at least 24 dishes to wash, not including pots and pans used to make the meal. Laundry is usually immeasurable and piled as high as Mount Everest. Letting chores pile up was not an option since the next day there would be twice as much. Yikes!
2. Family photos are more complicated than it’s usually worth.
We all know the struggle of trying to get a picture when your eyes aren’t closed. Now imagine trying to do that with a large group of kids and parents who are trying to get everyone to pay attention to the photographer at the same time. Family pictures are either rare or awkward-looking. The best updates friends and extended family gets are usually school pictures and social media selfies.
3. Trying to explain your family tree is usually quite the task.
If any of your siblings are step or half-siblings, trying to explain how you are related can be a bit confusing for the general public. People don’t really understand your family until they have finally met them all.
4. Buying presents for all of your family members is usually a no-go.
Until you are making six figures a year, trying to buy presents for all of your family members and pay your bills at the same time is usually hard to accomplish. Holidays usually include a white elephant gift exchange or something similar so you can limit your budget.
5. You wouldn’t trade it for anything.
While your siblings may drive you crazy and the chores are endless, having a big family is rewarding in ways that are unparalleled by any other life experience. Remember to reach out to each other for bonding time once you grow up and start new, separate lives.