Before I begin, I just want to say I'm not here to preach, that's the last thing I want to do. But I do want to put this out there as a gentle reminder with something positive to make you feel better and help get you through the day. Personally, I know how hard it can be to get through the fall and winter months when you have seasonal depression. It is not a fun ride. But whether you believe in God, Gods and Goddesses, a higher power, or nothing at all, there's still a lot of things that you can be thankful for that makes your life all the better, and reminding yourself of them occasionally can help uplift your mood and get you through these grueling months.
1. For waking up.
Now what I mean by this is not the fact that you literally wake up every day, because I know there are some days I wish I could roll over and sleep all day like I don't exist. But what I mean is the fact that you wake up in a bed, under a roof, with necessities that make your life easier. I also mean it by the opportunities that life and you yourself are able to create for your own self-growth because you did wake up. It might not be the biggest thing that is handed to you, but it is something, and the small things in life tend to stay longer than the larger opportunities.
2. Your health.
Even if you are not the most fit, athletic person out there, you still have your health. And even if you don't, there is medicine or lifestyle regimens out there to help with keeping your health in balance so your health does not get in the way making a life for yourself.
3. Friends, family, and pets.
Personally, these are the things I am most thankful for because I do not think I could get through one day without any of them. Now, I know that most people do not have pets, or a big family, or many friends that they feel close enough to to call friends. But there is at least one person in your life who you can trust. Whether it is a family member who you consider a best friend, or a best friend who is like family to you. I love every friend, family member, and pet in my life, even if I do not see or talk to them every day. Just the existence of them being in my life knowing that they are there for me helps me get through.
4. The freedom of choice.
Do I want to go to out today, what do I want to study, what do I feel like eating today, can I just watch Netflix all day? The choices are endless with every decision you make and with everything you do, or don't do, every day.
5. Mother Earth.
Everyone, no matter how much you do or do not care about the environment, or even like going outside, can be thankful for earth. The fact that the earth is still alive, and we are able to get our food sources from her, find sustainable drinking water, or just the fact that the earth is beautiful at any time of day or year. A beautiful vacation, seeing the sun rise or set, the stars and moon in the sky, when seasons are first changing, even the animals that you see that live in nature, as annoying as some of those animals can be, they are still beautiful.
And I think that's really the point of life. Even though it might not be your day, or you just feel under the weather, there is beauty in life. It really is the small things in life that bring you the most joy. So if you are ever struggling with seasonal depression, or your life is a mess, whether it be a family situation or a career problem, just remember that there's at least one of these things that exists in your life that you can be thankful for. Just take a step back, breathe, and look at the small things that you might not have realized you have in your life. Because I promise that whatever you are feeling right now will pass, and you will be a stronger person from it. The only way to find what truly makes you happy is by making the mistakes that make you unhappy. I constantly remind myself of all these things that I have written here, and I hope that it will help you as much as it helps me.