During my time at Appalachian State University, I have noticed many students getting tattoos, and a lot of which are quite similar to the ones that other students already have. It seems to me that there are a few styles of tattoos in the Boone area that are quite trendy, or at least popular because they have so much meaning about the area to these people.
The following tattoos are either close to tattoos that I have either seen on people at Appalachian State University, or ones that I think would be extremely representative of Boone and our time there.
1. A standard mountain tattoo
I have seen this one around many times. It makes sense since we do live in the mountains!
2. A more intricate mountain tattoo
If you want to beat the status quo a little bit more, there are all sorts of creative designs that involve a simple mountain picture. They can be done quite well and you can really express yourself!
3. Mountains as a heartbeat
This one is really cool and I have seen it done a number of ways.
4. Mountains with a certain quote
I have seen this done with the saying "The mountains are calling and I must go."
5. North Carolina state tattoo
Sometimes people even put a little heart in the area that Boone would be found in on the map. It's so cute!
I hope that someone may have even been inspired by at least one of these. You can go ahead down to Speakeasy and get yourself inked up!