We want change in our life without the actual work. Even if we try and put work into it, it needs to be consistent. It is very difficult to adjust and change your life during the school year.
I'll give you five things that you can do during the summer to make your life happier and healthier for you and your beautiful mind.
1. Change your natural sleep schedule lightly
Wake up early and get through your day; you don’t need to go to bed early. If you wake up, your body will get naturally tired and you’ll fall asleep early. Making it easier to wake up early and go to bed early.
2. Meditate at night and when you wake up
Meditation is supposed to help you let go of all of the negativity and allow you to reflect back on your day. It is a really good thing to do in the morning to get you ready to take on the day with a positive view.
3. Start your day off with a motivational video or podcast
No better way to start the day off than with a bad-ass motivational speaker to make you feel like you can take on the day. They really do change your view on life.
4. Start reading self-growth books
Learning from people who have been where you are is such a great way to want to better yourself. They make you look at yourself and say, “Wow, I can really change myself." That is the best feeling, for sure.
5. Cut out toxic things and people
You shouldn’t be torn down by something or someone that’s negative. You should be able to grow in the way that best fits you.