Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube... They're everywhere. What? Who? The millions of beauty hacks, gurus, fanatics, advice. Girls everywhere get their style and inspiration from the internet. There's all sorts of tricks and treats (Halloween pun, see that?) that girls all over are adopting and using in their everyday lives. As a Colorado native that recently made her home in Wyoming, it's no secret that achieving any of these "hacks" and "trends" is a daily struggle, and here's why.
1. Perfect long wavy hair
Leaving your hair down in Wyoming? Yeah, you're joking. With the average wind speed about 12mph, only Wyoming girls know this isn't realistic. That's AVERAGE speed, just imagine when the wind picks up to 30, 40, or 50mph.
2. Luscious Lips
Wind, snow, frigid temps, and dry climate make achieving those beautiful lips impossible. They're dry and cracked and no amount of chapstick will ever make up for it.
3. Normal Skin
Move to Wyoming and every drop of moisture that ever existed in your skin will disappear. Due to the high altitude, constant wind, and crazy weather, everything is dryer.
4. Long Natural Nails
If you live in Wyoming, generally it's for the outdoor activities. And with outdoor activities comes consequences. Your nails will never stay long again. From the harsh weather making them brittle, they tend to break often. So say goodbye and good luck if you plan on moving to Wyoming.
5. Short Sun-Dresses
You know? I'm starting to notice a trend with the wind here. Have a cute sundress? Might want to rethink that. You'll constantly be holding your dress down or showing off your underwear. Maybe consider spandex? Or just screw it, wear jeans.
So there it is, Wyoming wind is a bit brutal, but don't get me wrong, Wyoming has its' perks and that's why I live here.