Whether you’re moving in together post-graduation, crashing at their place for the summer or just spending a week-long vacation together, it all means one thing. You’re living with your significant other for the first time.
Your relationship is already filled with challenges, and sharing a space only adds to the mix. This sudden loss of privacy can cause serious damage to a relationship if not handled properly. A word of advice to the newly wifed-up, be prepared for the five struggles you’ll face while living with BAE for the first time.
1. Nothing is a secret.
Your boo is about to find out what you look, smell and act like at every hour of the day. Suddenly, it’s impossible to hide your embarrassing habits — your guilty pleasure Netflix show, your favorite ratty nightshirt with the holes, your neon green mud mask. With no Snapchat filter to hide behind, your partner is about to find out exactly what you look like with #nomakeup. If you’re lucky enough to be with someone who loves you for you, these quirks will be no big deal and lead them to love you even more.
2. Sharing a bathroom.
If you thought the two of you were close before, your relationship is about to go 0 to 100. Nothing says “invasion of personal space” like sharing a bathroom. If at first you find yourself running to the restroom every time your partner leaves the house, don’t worry. Eventually you realize that the other person is just as human as you are, and you’ll begin to feel comfortable with your bodily functions.
3. Cooking.
Living with your significant other is all about compromise, even if that means sacrificing your Sunday night ritual of sushi and sangria. If one partner is more advanced with his or her cooking skills, and the other can’t even make toast without burning it, it’s natural for one person to take the lead. That being said, sometimes cooking is the last thing you want to do at the end of a stressful day. Luckily, there’s always Chipotle.
4. Social life.
When you live with your best friend, it’s hard to motivate yourself to venture out and act like a functioning member of society. Suddenly Thirsty Thursday turns into “let’s just watch Netflix tonight.” However, it’s essential that the two of you peel yourselves off the couch and socialize with those people in your Instagram photos. Don’t fall into a complete couple coma and forget about the fun times you had as separate entities.
5. Finding alone time.
If you’re residing in an apartment or the tight quarters of a small bedroom, you may find yourself wanting to sleep in the bathtub just to get some alone time. The transition from having your own space to breathing the same air as your lover 24/7 can be a tough one. If you’re human, there will be tension and arguing and door slamming and storming out. But at the end of the day, you know there’s no one else you’d rather be with.
Despite all of the struggles that come with living with BAE, don’t forget how lucky you are to have someone that puts up with your mood swings, midnight snacking and "Orange is the New Black" binges. No matter the time span, make the best of the situation and enjoy the quality time you’re granted with your loved one.