Everyone has those days when, for some unknown reason, every singleprofessor decides to give you homework. Or maybe you had work, or other homework that you were doing, or maybe you just straight up procrastinated. Whatever the case may be we tend to go to the library to focus on our work. but I ask the question how many times have you gone to the library and end up leaving with no more done then when you got there? Of course, we then stay up till all ours of the night finishing our work going crazy cause you're so tired that you cant even function. Even though we had all the time in the world at the library. There are five struggles that we all go through at one point while we are attempting to do work in the library.
1. Brain food
You get to the library but you're hungry and need a coffee to focus, and you know your homework is going to take forever so you want to make sure you are set for the night. So you set your stuff up at a table and go to get a snack or two and a drink from the coffee shop. But wait, your friend's in there and you haven't seen then since who knows when (it was really probably just yesterday, but so much has happened since then) so you go talk to them and tell them about your day and get your snacks and what not. You finish talking and look at your phone and freak out because you were in there for 45 MINUTES!!!!
2. A friend across the way
You FINALLY started your homework; you got a sentence written. Granted, its only a sentence but hey it's something. Your other friend sees you from across the library and comes to say hi because apparently anytime you see someone you have to say hello. So you say hi and now they sit down and tell you all about their week, even though you're clearly trying to do homework. I mean you don't mind listening because they're your friend and you love them, but maybe that exact time isn't the best. However, you don't have the heart to tell them you can't listen to the problems that they are having with other friends or their boyfriend, or about how the lady swiping their I.D. today to get lunch was taking forever.
3. Friends decide to join you
YAY!!! You are no longer alone! Awesome, everyone came to do homework too!
This will be great. I have friends now and I won't get distracted right? WRONG! Everyone is going to talk for five or 10 minutes then get right to work, only to stop doing homework in 20 minutes because one of your friends is looking up cat videos and obviously, they are so adorable so now everyone has to watch it, so you all sit there and click through cat videos and now you switched to puppies so how could you possibly look away?
4. Potty Break!!
UGH!! You finally get back on track and now what happens? You have to go to the bathroom because of all that coffee you just drank. But, of course, you get there and it's a single-person bathroom and the person in there is taking what feels like forever!
5. Bubble time!!
Okay, nothing is stopping you now! Go back to the table put your head phones in and do your work, so maybe you can finally get a good night's sleep (Yes it actually exists!). Just put your headphones in and put some music on, just loud enough so you tune out the voices but not too loud where you can't hear yourself think. Don't look at anyone because if you look at them they are going to want to talk to you but you can't hear them. Focus, focus, focus...look a butterfly! Oh no, now they are talking to you. Ugh, now you are obligated to see what they are saying. So much for homework now.
Maybe get a study room next time and don't let anyone know, or maybe just lock yourself in your room... Whatever you choose I hope you can maneuver around these five struggles and successfully get your homework done and achieve the ultimate goal of eight full hours of sleep!