Being tall comes with highs and lows. Sure, I can reach that top shelf that no one else can reach and yes, that means I can hide things on that top shelf. But it also come with responsibility and a whole lot of inconvenience. Here's just a tiny peak of all of the struggles we face being the tall girl.
1. Shoes, need I say more?
If you're anything like me, your shoes size is as ridiculous as your height. I like to think of it as a firm foundation, rather than a large foot. No matter what you call it, having large feet can make shoe shopping difficult. Even if you're lucky enough to not have huge feet, shoes are still a problem. The desire to wear heels is just taunting, but the thought of towering over everyone is enough to kill that dream.
2. Being taller than everyone.
Pretty self explanatory, but sticking out like a sore thumb amoungst your average height friends isn't fun. Oh, and don't even get me started on pictures. Taking pictures with your average sized friends makes you look like even more of a giant.
3. Dating
Looks are not the most important thing in a relationship, let's make that clear, but being taller than your boyfriend is, well, just awkward. It doesn't help that the average male height is around 5'8. Wanting to wear heels but not wanting to make your boyfriend look like a little boy standing beside you is such a struggle. Where are my tall men at?
4. Clothes
Out of all of the struggles tall girls face, clothing has to be the worst. Normal dresses turn into awkwardly long shirts, maxi dresses stop just above the ankle and normal shirts turn into crop tops. Sure, having long legs is appealing, but shopping for pants long enough to fit your mile long legs heavily out weighs any visual appeal. Oh, and if you want to share clothes with your friends, make sure they are equally giant.
5. No, I don't play basketball.
You don't hear me asking if you play mini-golf, do you? I didn't think so. I am no baller, nor will I ever be. Please, for the love of tall people everywhere, stop asking this question and while we are on this subject, asking "how's the weather up there?" or any other ridiculous question similar to this, still is not funny, but good try.
Honestly being tall can get pretty annoying, but it beats being short everytime. We demand attention when we enter a room, everyone loves long legs, and we can hide food on the top shelf that you short people will never be able to reach. So, embrace your height, wear those stilettos and strut your stuff, because you're perfect.