December is often known as the month of Christmas and Hanukkah and not much else. However, there are a ton more holidays that happen during December than we think. Normal holidays exist, like Special Education Day on December 2nd, but then there are the weird ones. For example, December 18th is Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day. Here are five other strange holidays that are celebrated in December.
1. Bathtub Party Day – December 5th
December 5th is also International Ninja Day, so it's definitely an exciting day. Bathtub Party Day was created so that people could take a break from the shower typically taken every day and instead soak in the tub. The idea is that the tub soak is more relaxing and gives the participant a second to slow down and chill. Why it's called a "party" is still to be determined.
2. Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day – December 8th
Sadly, this doesn't mean that you're supposed to dress up as the Doctor, but it's still pretty interesting. It was started in 2007 with a few rules: you have to spend the entire time in costume, in character, and you can't tell anyone you are a time traveler. The costumes are usually for someone from a utopian future, a dystopian future, or someone traveling from the past. If you see anyone in Victorian Era grab walking around confused, now you know what's going on!
3. Monkey Day – December 14th
Happy National Monkey Day, everyone! This is actually an unofficial holiday, but it has to be mentioned! This holiday was started in 2000 when a group of MSU art students jokingly celebrated it. Other art students started to put it into their artwork and now it's celebrated across the world.
4. Cat Herders' Day – December 15th
You heard that right. The saying "like herding cats" inspired a holiday! It was created by Ruth and Thomas Roy. The holiday is for people who feel like they are constantly "herding cats" in their job or home life. If you are actually trying to literally herd cats on this day you get bonus points!
5. National Chocolate Covered Anything Day – December 16th
Last, but certainly not least, we have this holiday. Sure, it's not weird, but it has to be one of the best holidays ever! For chocolate lovers it is the opportunity to go crazy making edible Christmas gifts, as well as making stuff for yourself. It's also probably a day where people pretend to be mad scientists. What's the most unusual thing to cover in chocolate? It's bacon.
If you want to learn more about these holidays, or to look at the other quirky days of December, visit National Day Calendar. Happy holidays!